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Who Won The Republican Primary

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Primary Day : Curtis Sliwa Wins Republican Mayoral Primary

Curtis Sliwa Kicks Off Mayoral Campaign After Winning Republican Primary

Curtis Sliwa talks victory

The founder of the Guardian Angels won the Republican primary for mayor of New York City. He told Good Day New York that he’s “the real deal.”

NEW YORK – Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa has won the Republican mayoral primary in New York City.

Sliwa defeated businessman Fernando Mateo. Ranked choice voting wasnt a factor because there were only two candidates in the race.

Sliwa does not have much of a chance to win the November general election in a city where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 7 to 1.

Former allies, the two Republicans Sliwa and Mateo traded personal insults and tried to shout over each other during one debate on Zoom.

Sliwa wins GOP primary

Radio host and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa is projected to win the Republican nomination for mayor of New York.

Sliwa, a radio host who still wears his red Guardian Angels beret when he appears in public, got an endorsement from former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who called him “my great friend” in a robocall to Republican voters.

Mateo, a restaurateur who has led organizations advocating for car service drivers and bodega owners, was endorsed by Michael Flynn, former president Donald Trumps first national security adviser.

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Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN

The Democrats only have a US Senate majority because they were able to win two Senate runoffs in Georgia in January. Those Democratic wins were made possible by lower turnout among Republican-leaning voters, who may have been deterred from voting after then-President Donald Trump falsely claimed that the November 2020 election was fraudulent and that the runoffs were “illegal and invalid.”

Early March 201: Between Super Tuesdays

After Super Tuesday voting, but before winner-take-all voting was to begin, nine states, two territories and Washington, D.C. held their primaries and caucuses. During this period, 377 delegates were at stake. On March 3, 2016, the day before Carson dropped out of the race, Romney criticized Trump in a heavily publicized speech. Later that day, there was another GOP debate, which again featured Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich. Carson did not participate in the debate, as he announced the suspension of his campaign the next day, narrowing the field to four he subsequently endorsed Trump on March 10, 2016, the day after Fiorina endorsed Cruz. Meanwhile, as the prospect of a Trump nomination became more imminent, establishment Republicans pressured Romney or House Speaker Paul Ryan to enter the race Romney had already decided not to enter the race on January 30, 2015, while Ryan announced he would not enter on April 13, 2016.

In the Virgin Islands caucuses on March 10, a slate composed wholly of uncommitted delegates was initially elected. However, the entire slate was later disqualified by the territorial party and was replaced by the elected alternates two uncommitted, two for Rubio and one each for Cruz and Trump. The dispute later went to court. Also on March 10, there was a debate in Florida between the four surviving candidates, which was conducted in a more civil tone than prior debates.

March 512 results


Delegates won:1

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Spencer Cox Wins Republican Primary Race For Utah Governor Over Jon Huntsman

Utah Republican gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox greets supporters arriving to an election night event in Mount Pleasant on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. The AP called the GOP primary race for Cox over Jon Huntsman on Monday after days of ballot counting.

Lt. Gov Spencer Cox, a Fairview farmer with a brand as a compassionate conservative, has bested Jon Huntsman, the former Utah governor who was seeking a third term, in the closely watched Republican primary race for Utah governor.

The Associated Press called the race in Coxs favor shortly after 4 p.m. Monday.

Cox said in a statement that he and his running mate, Spanish Fork state Sen. Deidre Henderson, were humbled by the vote of confidence from the people of Utah in selecting us as the Republican nominees for governor and lieutenant governor.

As farm kids from Sanpete County, Abby and I never dreamed of having this opportunity, he continued. If elected in November, we will take our rural values of hard work, honesty, and responsibility to the governors office each day.

Cox said on Twitter that Huntsman had called to concede in the race Monday afternoon.

In a statement released later that day, the former Utah governor said that he would accept the will of the people, as is our tradition as Americans.

Huntsman didnt indicate what would come next for him but said that public service is in our blood and that he would continue to find a way to contribute to the good of our community.

Trump Set To Meet With Liz Cheneys Primary Opponents

Republican primary election wins reflect a strong Trump ...

The Republican establishment defeats Trumpism in a key New Jersey contest.

Former New Jersey Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli defeated rival Republicans, who claimed the ex-presidents mantle, to win the states Republican gubernatorial primary Tuesday.

Ciattarelli will now face Democratic incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy who won an uncontested primary race in Novembers general election.

The GOP nominee defeated three challengers two of them vocal Trump supporters on the strength of his support from the Garden States party establishment, which delivered him prime ballot positioning. Ciattarelli announced his plans to challenge Murphy three years ago.

Hirsh Singh, an engineer from Atlantic County, and Phil Rizzo, a Hudson County pastor and former real estate developer, both appealed to Trump supporters to win the partys nod in the blue state.

Ciattarelli downplayed the rivals claims that he was a never-Trumper, saying he evolved from his original criticism of the one-term president, and supported him in 2020.

A whole lot of us said a whole lot of things, he said during an interview on WPMG. He earned my faith and confidence in the sense that his policies worked for the nation.

Ciattarellis attacks were largely focused on the current head of Trentons statehouse, as he blasted Murphy on his handling of COVID-19 and property taxes.

He raised $7 million in the race, a figure surpassed by only Murphy.

With AP wires

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President Trump Wins West Virginia Republican Primary

CHARLESTON, W.Va. Donald Trump has won the Republican primary in West Virginia.

Both Joe Biden and Trump have secured their respective parties nominations, Biden last week and Trump in March.

In addition to the presidential races, incumbent Jim Justice is trying to secure the Republican nomination for governor against six others on Tuesday. There are five gubernatorial candidates on the Democratic side.

Other contested primary races include those for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, the legislature, agricultural commissioner and attorney general.

There also are races to decide three seats on the five-member state Supreme Court.

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Here Are The 10 Primary Ballot Propositions:

Keep in mind that this is an opinion poll of Republican voters and not a policy referendum. You are not voting to make a law but merely saying YES you agree or NO you do not agree with the statement. Results for each proposition are below.

1.) Texas should not restrict or prohibit prayer in public schools.

Yes 88.61%

2.) Texas should reject restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.

Yes 85.38%

No 14.62%

3.)Texas should ban the practice of taxpayer-funded lobbying, which allows your tax dollars to be spent on lobbyists who work against the taxpayer.

Yes 94.29%

No 5.71%

4.) Texas should support the construction of a physical barrier and use existing defense-grade surveillance equipment along the entire southern border of Texas.

Yes 93.86%

No 6.14%

5.) Texas parents or legal guardians of public school children under the age of 18 should be the sole decision makers for all their childrens healthcare decisions including, but not limited to, psychological assessment and treatment, contraception, and sex education.

Yes 90.55%

No 9.45%

6.) Texas should ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for transition purposes, given that Texas children as young as three are being transitioned from their biological sex to the opposite sex.

Yes 94.57%

No 5.43%

Yes 97.3%

No 2.7%

Yes 98.36%

No 1.64%

Yes 94.99%

10.)Texas should limit our state legislators terms to 12 years.

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Cancellation Of State Caucuses Or Primaries

The Washington Examiner reported on December 19, 2018, that the South Carolina Republican Party had not ruled out forgoing a primary contest to protect Trump from any primary challengers. Party chairman Drew McKissick stated, “Considering the fact that the entire party supports the president, we’ll end up doing what’s in the president’s best interest.” On January 24, another Washington Examiner report indicated that the Kansas Republican Party was “likely” to scrap its presidential caucus to “save resources”.

In August 2019, the Associated Press reported that the Nevada Republican Party was also contemplating canceling their caucuses, with the state party spokesman, Keith Schipper, saying it “isn’t about any kind of conspiracy theory about protecting the president … He’s going to be the nominee … This is about protecting resources to make sure that the president wins in Nevada and that Republicans up and down the ballot win in 2020.”

Kansas, Nevada and South Carolina’s state committees officially voted on September 7, 2019, to cancel their caucus and primary. The Arizona state Republican Party indicated two days later that it will not hold a primary. These four were joined by the Alaska state Republican party on September 21, when its central committee announced they would not hold a presidential primary.

Virginia Republicans decided to allocate delegates at the state convention.

United States Senate Election In Pennsylvania 2022

CNN projects Ted Cruz wins Wisconsin GOP primary
U.S. House elections, 2022Submit

Voters in Pennsylvaniawill elect one member to the U.S. Senate in the general election on November 8, 2022.

The election will fill the Class III Senate seat held by Pat Toomey , who first took office in 2011.

Incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey is not seeking re-election, making this an open seat race. In 2018, incumbent Bob Casey Jr. defeated Lou Barletta by 13.1 percentage points. In 2016, Toomey won re-election against Katie McGinty by 1.5 percentage points.

The two most recent presidential elections were both decided by less than 2 percentage points. Joe Biden defeated incumbent President Donald Trump by 1.2 percentage points in the 2020 presidential election. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election by 0.7 percentage points.

At the start of the 2022 election cycle, Inside Elections rated this state Battleground Republican.

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Map : 2012 Republican Nomination Contest

Notes: *Indicates that the primary or caucus in question was non-binding regarding delegates. Note that there are inconsistencies regarding how binding a contest truly was, especially the further back in time the election took place. The dates of many caucuses reflect the last day of a meeting period or the day of the straw poll in question. These events sometimes take days, weeks, or even months. In a few cases, the maps denote that a state used a two-step caucus and primary system, in some order, to determine delegates.

Crystal Ball research CQ Press Guide to U.S. Elections, 6th edition CQ Weekly Dave Leips Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections FrontloadingHQ The Green Papers Anthony J. Bennett, The Race for the White House from Reagan to Clinton

Redistricting Following The 2020 Census

This section lists major events in the post-2020 census redistricting cycle in reverse chronological order. Major events include the release of apportionment data, the release of census population data, the introduction of formal map proposals, the enactment of new maps, and noteworthy court challenges. Click the dates below for additional information.

  • : The Legislative Reapportionment Commission approved and released legislative draft maps.
  • : Rep. Seth Grove , chairman of the House State Government Committee, released the committee’s first congressional redistricting proposal.
  • : The U.S. Census Bureau released data from the 2020 census in an easier-to-use format to state redistricting authorities and the public.
  • : The U.S. Census Bureau delivered redistricting data to states in a legacy format.
  • : The U.S. Census Bureau delivered apportionment counts.

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Questions Raised About Felon Who Won Gop Congress Primary

GAINESVILLE, Fla. The winning Republican in this weeks congressional primary in South Florida is a felon who did not go through the states process to restore his civil rights after his imprisonment, interviews and records show. That step is required under Florida law for a candidate to hold political office.

Jason Mariner, 36, of Palm Beach Gardens, an advertising executive and self-described America First conservative candidate, won Tuesdays GOP primary with 58 percent of votes in the heavily Democratic 20th congressional district.

It wasnt immediately clear whether the elections outcome would be challenged. The general election will be Jan. 11. Democrats have held the seat one of the most Democratic districts in Florida for more than two decades.

Under new clemency rules Gov. Ron DeSantis announced earlier this year, felons are automatically entitled to have their rights restored including the right to hold political office but must submit to a formal process administered by the Florida Commission on Offender Review and Office of Executive Clemency. Under a constitutional amendment that Florida voters approved in 2020, felons can register to vote once they serve their prison terms and pay any court fines.

Florida records did not include any evidence that Mariners rights had been restored. Mariner signed a sworn statement in August he sent to the Florida Division of Elections attesting that he was qualified to run for Congress in Florida.

Virginia Lieutenant Gubernatorial Election 2021

TN Elections 2018: Who won Tennessee GOP primary election ...
Filing deadline: March 25, 2021Convention: May 8, 2021
Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax
How to vote

Winsome Sears defeated Hala Ayala in the general election for lieutenant governor of Virginia on , with 50.7% of the vote to Ayala’s 49.3%.

A Roanoke College poll conducted in August of 2021 found a plurality of respondents thought the economy was the most important issue. Other issues included COVID-19 , race relations , education and health care .

The incumbent lieutenant governor, Justin Fairfax , ran for election for Governor of Virginia. He lost in the Democratic primary on . Ayala won the with 39.1% of the vote, followed by Sam Rasoul with 25.3%. Winsome Sears defeated Tim Hugo in the fifth round of ranked-choice voting with 54% of the vote to Hugo’s 46% in the May 8 Republican convention.

In a University of Mary Washington poll conducted between September 7-13, 2021, 47% of likely voters supported Sears while 41% supported Ayala. In the Roanoke College survey conducted between August 3-17, 2021, 42% of respondents supported Ayala and 36% supported Sears.

As of October 21, Ayala led Sears in fundraising, with $6,468,050 in total contributions to Sears’ $2,553,599. A number of state legislators, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam , The Washington Post, and EMILY’s List endorsed Ayala. Sears received endorsements from U.S. Rep. Bob Good , Maggie’s List, and the National Rifle Association. Click here to see more noteworthy endorsements.

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Republican Party Presidential Primaries

2016 Republican Party presidential primaries
Donald Trump

Presidential primaries and caucuses of the Republican Party took place within all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories between February 1 and June 7, 2016. These elections selected the 2,472 delegates that were sent to the Republican National Convention. Businessman and reality television star Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for president of the United States.

On July 19, 2016, Trump and his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, were officially nominated as the Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates at the Republican National Convention. Trump and Pence went on to defeat the Democratic ticket of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine in the general election on November 8, 2016.

How Was 2000 President

The 2000 United States presidential election was the 54th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 2000. Republican candidate George W. Bush, the governor of Texas and eldest son of the 41st president, George H. W. Bush, won the election, defeating incumbent Vice President Al Gore.

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Special Election Set For March 23


The results are in, Travis Hackworth has won the Republican primary for Virginias 38th District.

Hackworth raked in 1,932 votes and is replacing Sen. Ben Chafin, who died from COVID-19 complications on Jan. 1.

In total, 5,485 people voted in the special election.


Six Republicans are running for the chance to represent Virginias 38th District.

They faced off in a party canvas on Thursday.

Chafin, who died from COVID-19 complications on Jan. 1, leaves his Virginia Senate seat open.

A special election has been set for March 23 to fill the empty seat.

The names on the GOP ballot included Jony Baker, Dhad Dotson, Travis Hackworth, Elijah Leonard, Kimberly Lowe and Tamara Neo.

One voter at a polling location in Dublin, Fred Nester, said that he feels that voting is his right and his duty.

I think just having the privilege of being able to come out and make my choice early, and also see how the primary goes to the actual senate election, said Nester. This is my opportunity to speak the way that I feel. And I challenge all of you to do this, to come out and to vote.

So far, only one Democratic candidate, former Radford City Councilwoman Laurie Buchwald is in the race.

The canvas ends at 7 p.m., although anyone in line will still be able to offer a vote.

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