Monday, September 2, 2024

Who Started The Civil War Democrats Or Republicans

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Opposition To Gulf War

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

The Democrats included a strong element that came of age in opposition to the Vietnam War and remained hostile toward American military interventions. On August 1, 1990, Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invadedKuwait. President Bush formed an international coalition and secured United Nations approval to expel Iraq. Congress on January 12, 1991, authorized by a narrow margin the use of military force against Iraq, with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed. The vote in the House was 250183 and in the Senate 5247. In the Senate, 42 Republicans and 10 Democrats voted yes to war, while 45 Democrats and two Republicans voted no. In the House, 164 Republicans and 86 Democrats voted yes and 179 Democrats, three Republicans and one Independent voted no.

The First Presidency Of Grover Cleveland

Although Republicans continued to control the White House until 1884, the Democrats remained competitive and controlled the House of Representatives for most of that period. In the election of 1884, Grover Cleveland, the reforming Democratic Governor of New York, won the Presidency, a feat he repeated in 1892, having lost in the election of 1888.


Cleveland was the leader of the Bourbon Democrats. They represented business interests, supported banking and railroad goals, promoted laissez-faire capitalism, opposed imperialism and U.S. overseas expansion, opposed the annexation of Hawaii, fought for the gold standard and opposed Bimetallism. They strongly supported reform movements such as Civil Service Reform and opposed corruption of city bosses, leading the fight against the Tweed Ring.

The leading Bourbons included Samuel J. Tilden, David Bennett Hill and William C. Whitney of New York, Arthur Pue Gorman of Maryland, Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware, Henry M. Mathews and William L. Wilson of West Virginia, John Griffin Carlisle of Kentucky, William F. Vilas of Wisconsin, J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska, John M. Palmer of Illinois, Horace Boies of Iowa, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar of Mississippi and railroad builder James J. Hill of Minnesota. A prominent intellectual was Woodrow Wilson.

Opinionhere’s What Getting Rid Of Mississippi’s Confederate Flag Means And Doesn’t

In the summer of 1864, for example, the war was going poorly, and Republicans feared that a public sick of defeat would toss Lincoln out of office. Then Gen. William T. Sherman won a resounding victory at Atlanta in September. Lincoln’s landslide re-election in 1864 seemed to many at the time and since then to be the result of that military success.

But by analyzing House elections in 1864, Kalmoe uncovered a different story. In the 1860s, congressional contests were held over the course of the entire year, rather than on the same day as the presidential contest. If Republicans were in trouble before September, House GOP candidates should have been crushed by Democratic challengers. But instead, Kalmoe found, Republican vote share changed little over time. Lincoln was on his way to win before Atlanta. Republican partisans supported the president even though the war was going poorly, as they did when the war was going well.

In the Civil War era, partisanship had a strong effect on how people interpreted good or bad news.

Republican refusal to abandon Trump seems ominous. Trump’s disastrous response to a national health crisis has led to tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. If his voters aren’t moved by that, how can we hold government accountable to the people at all? Partisanship seems to be a recipe for denial, dysfunction and death.

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Presidency Of George W Bush

In the aftermath of the , the nation’s focus was changed to issues of national security. All but one Democrat voted with their Republican counterparts to authorize President Bush’s 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. House leader Richard Gephardt and Senate leader Thomas Daschle pushed Democrats to vote for the USA PATRIOT Act and the invasion of Iraq. The Democrats were split over invading Iraq in 2003 and increasingly expressed concerns about both the justification and progress of the War on Terrorism as well as the domestic effects from the Patriot Act.

The Party Against Progressivism And The New Deal

Trump is Right: Milo Yiannopoulos: The Left Has Already ...

We know the Republican Party today as a party that hates government interference with business. But as the 20th century started, progressive reformers who wanted to check the power of corporations and the wealthy had some support in both parties and notably, from Republican President Theodore Roosevelt.

That didn’t last. When Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the presidency, the Republican Party turned sharply against many of his progressive reforms, which they came to believe expanded governments power too much. When Republicans regained power and held it throughout the ’20s, they were unmistakably the party of business. They thought prosperity for business was good for America and governed accordingly.

That worked out quite well for them throughout most of the 1920s, but not so well when the economy crashed in 1929 and the Great Depression began.

Then, Franklin D. Roosevelt and other Democrats were swept into power and began dramatically expanding the size and role of the federal government, in an attempt to fight the Depression and better provide for Americans .

The Republicans left in Congress generally placed themselves in opposition to this newer, bigger government role.

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Who Are The 5 Presidents Who Were Civil War Veterans

1 by W. Dennis Keating. From 1869 to 1901, five U.S. Presidents were Civil War veterans: U.S. 2 Ulysses Simpson Grant. 3 Rutherford Birchard Hayes. Rutherford B. Hayes is remembered primarily for three reasons: first, 4 James Abram Garfield. James A. Garfield is known as the last president to be born in a log cabin.

Mueller Report Has Democrats And Republicans Feudingjust How Bad Could It Get

A recent Washington Postheadline says: In America, talk turns to something not spoken of for 150 years: Civil war. The story references, among others, Stanford University historian Victor Davis Hanson, who asked in a National Review essay last summer: How, when, and why has the United States now arrived at the brink of a veritable civil war? Another Washington Post story reports how Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King recently posted a meme warning that red states have 8 trillion bullets in the event of a civil war. And a poll conducted last June by Rasmussen Reports found that 31 percent of probable US voters surveyed believe its likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years.

So if anyone would have a knowledgeable perspective on the question of whether we are headed for civil war, its Silber. Read;her answers about the proliferation of headlines referencing the possibility of another civil war.

BU Today: Democrats are demanding documents from President Trump, his family, and many associated with him. The political divide seems to be getting worse. Is it irrational to say this could be the beginning of a civil war?

The political map these days shows so much red in the middle, sandwiched by blue on the coasts. How is that different from the North vs South divide of the Civil War?

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Yet Another Farewell Tour

With the wildly popular President Roosevelt sticking to his promise to step down after seven and a half years, and his chosen successor, War Secretary William Howard Taft somewhat popular as well, the Democratic Party gave Bryan the nomination for a third time. He was again defeated. The Democrats held together while the Republican Party bitterly split between the Roosevelt-oriented progressives and the Taft-oriented conservatives. Taft defeated Roosevelt for the 1912 nomination, but Roosevelt ran as a third-party candidate. That split the GOP vote so that the Democrats were inevitably the winners, electing their first Democratic president and fully Democratic Congress in 20 years.

Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress, with their base among poor farmers and the working class, generally supported Progressive Era reforms, such as antitrust, regulation of railroads, direct election of Senators, the income tax, the restriction of child labor, and the Federal Reserve system.

Presidency Of Jimmy Carter

Did the Democrats start the Civil War? ( Democrats and their push for slave ownership)

Carter was a peanut farmer, a state senator and a one-term governor with minimal national experience. President Carter’s major accomplishments consisted of the creation of a national energy policy and two new cabinet departments, the United States Department of Energy and the United States Department of Education. Carter also successfully deregulated the trucking, airline, rail, finance, communications and oil industries , bolstered the social security system and appointed record numbers of women and minorities to significant posts. He also enacted strong legislation on environmental protection through the expansion of the National Park Service in Alaska, creating 103 million acres of park land.

In foreign affairs, Carter’s accomplishments consisted of the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, the establishment of full diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China and the negotiation of the SALT II Treaty. In addition, he championed human rights throughout the world and used human rights as the center of his administration’s foreign policy.

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Maga Republicans & The Threat Of A Second American Civil War

One of the many alarming things about American politics right now is how the American Right has been completely consumed by the cancer that is MAGA. This has been a long-coming process, but it is finally complete. Now, the only Republican who doesnt believe Trumps Big Lie is a Democrat.

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: America Faces The Stark Choice of Autocratic Rule or Civil War

Shelt Garner May 12, 2021

Or, put another another way, things within the Republican Party have gotten so bad that for all the talk about Liz Chaney will potentially run for president, in reality, the only way she might do so would be as a modern day War Democrat if things got really, really bad.

The COVID19 pandemic laid bare how bonkers the modern conservative movement is in the sense they could not see the pandemic as a health crisis, but only as a political football to be managed. They hate science and it is now MAGA orthodoxy that Dr. Fauci was, I dont knowout to make ready cash from COVID19 via the Wuhan lab and.was in cahoots with liberals to bring down Trump with it?

My personal theory about why Republicans love this Big Lie about Dr. Fauci is they hate science so much that once he became a political lightening rod, they keep wondering, Whats in it for him? So they pull the idea that he, personally, was making money off the Wuhan lab in an effort to understand this mystery.

Or theres a civil war.

Progressive Era And The New Deal

As the 19th century drew to a close, the Republicans had been firmly established as the party of big business during the Gilded Age, while the Democratic Party strongly identified with rural agrarianism and conservative values.

But during the Progressive Era, which spanned the turn of the century, the Democrats saw a split between its conservative and more progressive members. As the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, William Jennings Bryan advocated for an expanded role of government in ensuring social justice. Though he lost, Bryans advocacy of bigger government would influence the Democratic ideology going forward.

Republicans again dominated national politics during the prosperous 1920s, but faltered after the stock market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first Democrat to win the White House since Woodrow Wilson.

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Explaining The Union Victory

The causes of the war, the reasons for its outcome, and even the name of the war itself are subjects of lingering contention today. The North and West grew rich while the once-rich South became poor for a century. The national political power of the slaveowners and rich Southerners ended. Historians are less sure about the results of the postwar Reconstruction, especially regarding the second-class citizenship of the Freedmen and their poverty.

Historians have debated whether the Confederacy could have won the war. Most scholars, including James McPherson, argue that Confederate victory was at least possible. McPherson argues that the North’s advantage in population and resources made Northern victory likely but not guaranteed. He also argues that if the Confederacy had fought using unconventional tactics, they would have more easily been able to hold out long enough to exhaust the Union.

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Some scholars argue that the Union held an insurmountable long-term advantage over the Confederacy in industrial strength and population. Confederate actions, they argue, only delayed defeat. Civil War historian Shelby Foote expressed this view succinctly: “I think that the North fought that war with one hand behind its back;… If there had been more Southern victories, and a lot more, the North simply would have brought that other hand out from behind its back. I don’t think the South ever had a chance to win that War.”

President Truman Integrates The Troops: 1948

Blacks became Democrats the Day the KKK & Dixiecrats moved ...

Fast forward about sixty shitty years. Black people are still living in segregation under Jim Crow. Nonetheless, African Americans agree to serve in World War II.

At wars end, President Harry Truman, a Democrat, used an Executive Order to integrate the troops.

These racist Southern Democrats got so mad that their chief goblin, Senator Strom Thurmond, decided to run for President against Truman. They called themselves the Dixiecrats.

Of course, he lost. Thurmond remained a Democrat until 1964. He continued to oppose civil rights as a Democrat. He gave the longest filibuster in Senate history speaking for 24 hours against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.

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World War Ii And Its Aftermath: 19391952

From 1939 through 1941, there was a sharp debate within the GOP about support for Great Britain as it led the fight against a much stronger Nazi Germany. Internationalists, such as Henry Stimson and Frank Knox, wanted to support Britain and isolationists, such as Robert A. Taft and Arthur Vandenberg, strongly opposed these moves as unwise for risking a war with Germany. The America First movement was a bipartisan coalition of isolationists. In 1940, a dark horse Wendell Willkie at the last minute won over the party, the delegates and was nominated. He crusaded against the inefficiencies of the New Deal and Roosevelt’s break with the strong tradition against a third term, but was ambiguous on foreign policy.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 ended the isolationist-internationalist debate, as all factions strongly supported the war effort against Japan and Germany. The Republicans further cut the Democratic majority in the 1942 midterm elections in a very low turnout episode. With wartime production creating prosperity, the conservative coalition terminated nearly all New Deal relief programs as unnecessary.

In 1944, a clearly frail Roosevelt defeated Dewey for his fourth consecutive term, but Dewey made a good showing that would lead to his selection as the candidate in 1948.

Democrats: Now The Party Of Re

Swain noted that early Republican efforts to stop the spread of slavery was actually thwarted by the U.S. Supreme Court via Dred Scott v Sandford. Scott was a slave who had resided in a free state and territory where the institution was prohibited. But the court, in a 7-2 decision, ruled he could not claim his freedom because slaves were property and could never be citizens under current provisions of law. In addition, the court ruled the Missouri Compromise which declared all territories West of the state and north of latitude 36 degrees, 30, unconstitutional.

The Vanderbilt professor noted that all seven justices who voted against Scott were Democrats, and that the two dissenting justices were Republicans.;

The Civil War, at a cost of more than 700,000 American lives, resolved the issue of slavery; the Union commander-in-chief who led the successful war effort was the first GOP president, Abraham Lincoln; he was assassinated shortly after the Confederate surrender by John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat.

His successor, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, opposed Lincolns plan to reintegrate former slaves into the South and the rest of the country. Johnson and his Democrats also opposed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, which outlawed slavery, gave blacks citizenship, and allowed them to vote.

All three passed only because of universal Republican support, Swain noted.

See the informative video here:

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The Gop Presidencies Of Mckinley Theodore Roosevelt And Taft

The 1896 election marked a political realignment in which the Republican Party controlled the presidency for 28 of 36 years. The Republicans dominated most of the Northeast and Midwest and half the West. Bryan, with a base in the South and Plains states, was strong enough to get the nomination in 1900 and 1908 . Theodore Roosevelt dominated the first decade of the century and to the annoyance of Democrats “stole” the trust issue by crusading against trusts.

With Bryan taking a hiatus and Teddy Roosevelt the most popular president since Lincoln, the conservatives who controlled the convention in 1904, nominated the little-known Alton B. Parker before succumbing to Roosevelt’s landslide.

Religious divisions were sharply drawn.Methodists, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Scandinavian Lutherans and other pietists in the North were closely linked to the Republican Party. In sharp contrast, liturgical groups, especially the Catholics, Episcopalians and German Lutherans, looked to the Democratic Party for protection from pietistic moralism, especially prohibition. Both parties cut across the class structure, with the Democrats gaining more support from the lower classes and Republicans more support from the upper classes.

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