Sunday, September 1, 2024

What Is The Official Donald Trump Website

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What Donald Trump’s 45officecom Site Says About His ‘magnificent Legacy’

Donald Trump hints at running for president again with campaign-style video

Amid speculation about what role he might play in the GOP, former President Donald Trump has launched a website which boasts about his time in office and provides a platform for his supporters to keep in touch.

The website went live on Monday, according to Fox News, and shows images of Trump with world leaders, outlines his legacy and suggests that he still has a major role to play in the political future of the Republicans.

In the “About” section below an image of Trump as commander-in-chief giving a salute, is a synopsis of what Trump and his supporters have touted as his biggest achievements, such as economic growth, being tough on trade and imposing border restrictions.

There is no mention of the controversies that beset his time in office, such as the two impeachments, accusations of corruption and the charge that he incited a riot in the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

But it does describe how Trump had “launched the most extraordinary political movement in history” in which he “mobilized voters with massive rallies” and “reached America’s hearts and minds with his vision for national rejuvenation.”

Portraying Trump as an outsider, it said that he “overcame virtually every entrenched power structure,” and listed some of his economic achievements.

The website encourages people to get in touch with the former first couple, describing how “Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump enjoy hearing from the American people.”

Trump Launches New ‘communications’ Platform

Donald Trump has launched a new “communications” website, which says it will publish content “straight from the desk” of the former US president.

Mr Trump was banned by Twitter and suspended by Facebook and YouTube after the Capitol riots in January.

The former president has since been releasing statements by press release – which the new website will now host.

Users will be able to like posts – and also share them on Twitter and Facebook accounts.

“It is a blog,” Kara Swisher, technology columnist for the New York Times told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “I was like ‘2002 is calling and it wants its blog back…’

“I don’t know what the overall plan is because he does have some very sharp digital advisers. It is just the beginning of his attempts to try to re-establish a louder ability to participate in digital media.”

Mr Trump’s senior adviser, Jason Miller, had previously said a new social media platform was to be launched. “This new platform is going to be big,” he said in March.

But Mr Miller tweeted on Tuesday that the new website was not the social media platform he had previously hyped.

“We’ll have additional information coming on that front in the very near future,” he said.

The website is reportedly built by Campaign Nucleus, a digital services company created by Mr Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Several posts on the site repeat debunked claims that last year’s presidential election was rigged.

The new site arrived just before

Early Life And Business Career

Trump was the fourth of five children of Frederick Christ Trump, a successful real estate developer, and Mary MacLeod. Donalds eldest sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, eventually served as a U.S. district court judge and later as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit until her retirement in 2011. His elder brother, Frederick, Jr. , worked briefly for his fathers business before becoming an airline pilot in the 1960s. Freddys alcoholism led to his early death in 1981, at the age of 43.

Donald Trump attended New York Military Academy , a private boarding school Fordham University in the Bronx and the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Finance and Commerce , where he graduated with a bachelors degree in economics. In 1968, during the Vietnam War, he secured a diagnosis of bone spurs, which qualified him for a medical exemption from the military draft . Upon his graduation Trump began working full-time for his fathers business, helping to manage its holdings of rental housing, then estimated at between 10,000 and 22,000 units. In 1974 he became president of a conglomeration of Trump-owned corporations and partnerships, which he later named the Trump Organization.

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Truth Social Former President Donald Trumps New Social Media Platform Launching Monday

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File

Truth Social, a new social media platform from former President Donald Trump, launches Monday, almost a year after tech giants Twitter, Facebook and YouTube stripped Trump of his favorite megaphones and accused him of glorifying and inciting violence that threatened democracy when he repeated false claims that the 2020 election was rigged and praised the mob attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump, whose misleading posts on the COVID-19 pandemic and false assertions of widespread election fraud led to unprecedented fact-checking flags and warnings from social media networks, has been posting frequent statements through his political action committee, endorsing Republican candidates who question the 2020 election results and insisting that investigations into his presidency and business are nothing more than politicized hoaxes.

Claiming that tech leaders stifled free speech and undercut Trump and his followers voices, the former president previously launched a website last year, From the Desk of Donald J. Trump, but users could not interact and it failed to gain traction. The site shut down after about a month.

Truth Social, run by Trump Media & Technology Group, was announced in October.

A company executive recently told users during a beta test phase that the app launch was coming Monday, according to Reuters.

Donald Trump Has Now Created His Own Official Website: 45officecom

Telling Trumps Story to Children: For Book Publishers, Its Tricky ...

JACKSON, Miss. – Former President Donald Trump now has his own official website.

According the website, which went live Tuesday, the Office of Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda.

The office is also said to be used to inspire Americans of all walks of life as the former president seeks to build a truly great American Future.

There is also a section of the website dedicated to Former First Lady Melania Trump, who says that she, looks forward to continuing her work on behalf of children and the issues she is passionate about.

Trump was banned from many social media sites,, after the uprising at the U.S. Capitol which he was impeached for. He would then be acquitted in the Senate.

According to his spokesperson, this social media platform will completely redefine the game.

Copyright 2021 WLBT. All rights reserved.

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Election Claims And Grievances


Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

March 4, 2017

In a succession of tweets on March 4, 2017, Trump stated he had “just found out” that his predecessor Obama had wiretapped the phones in his offices at Trump Tower during the last months of the 2016 election. Trump did not say where he had obtained the information and offered no evidence to support it. Trump compared the alleged intrusion to McCarthyism and Watergate. Anonymous White House officials told The Washington Post that Trump did not appear to coordinate his comments with other White House officials.

Although no evidence supported Trump’s claims, the tweets resulted in a week of media attention. Fake news websites also took up the allegations, and one falsely claimed that a warrant for Obama’s arrest had been given.

2016 campaign: Investigation into Russian influence

Trump repeatedly attacked former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump dismissed from office, via Twitter. Trump has posted a number of angry tweets directed at Robert Mueller, who was appointed as a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

2020 campaign: Suggestion of delaying election

2020 election: Attempt to overturn results

How Many Trb Golden Checks Do I Need

There are a limited number of TRB Golden Checks available for purchase, so it is important to know how many you will need before they sell out.

Each check registers up to Seven Trump Bucks into their account at any participating bank. For example, if you have 100 Trump Bucks notes to register, then you need 20 TRB Golden Checks in total.

The TRB Golden Checks is an important part of the Trump Bucks system and allows users to take full advantage of all the benefits that come with using the Trump Bucks system as legal tender. Be sure to get your hands on as many checks as you need before they sell out.

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Citing Resources In The Web Archive

Citations should indicate: Archived in the Library of Congress Web Archives at When citing a particular website include the archived website’s Citation ID . Researchers are advised to follow standard citation guidelines for websites, pages, and articles. Researchers are reminded that many of the materials in this web archive are copyrighted and that citations must credit the authors/creators and publishers of the works. For guidance about compiling full citations consult Citing Primary Sources.

Tweets As Official Statements

âGrovellingâ United States is âbrought to its kneesâ: Donald Trump

Throughout his presidency, Trump frequently appeared to issue orders through his tweets. Whether these tweets were official directives was unclear. A US National Archives spokesman said that Trump’s tweets are considered presidential records.

In 2017, the Department of Justice argued in one court case that Trump’s tweets were “official statements of the President of the United States.” In another case, the DOJ argued they were official policy statements but that the tweets were also “personal conduct that is not an exercise of state power.” The ABA Journal wrote in 2017, “There’s little caselaw on to what extent government use of social media can be considered official or a ‘public forum,’ which affords First Amendment protection to people who might be excluded based on their viewpoints.”

In 2019, the Secretary of the US Navy said he did not interpret a Trump tweet as a “formal order to act” after Trump tweeted that the Navy should not take away Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher‘s status as a Navy SEAL.

In 2020, a court asked that Trump clarify his intention after he tweeted what appeared to be an order calling for the disclosure of documents related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. In a court filing White House Chief of Staff said that: “The President indicated to me that his statements on Twitter were not self-executing declassification orders and do not require the declassification or release of any particular documents.”

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Trump Launches Official Website After Social Media Bans

Former President Donald Trump is back on the internet after launching his Official Website Of The 45th President following bans from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Office of Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda, states the website.

Trumps website found at said the goal of his office will be to inform, educate and inspire Americans from all walks of life as we seek to build a truly great American Future through civic engagement and public activism.

Through this office, President Trump will remain a tireless champion for the hardworking men and women of our great country and for their right to live in safety, dignity, prosperity, and peace, states the website.

Saying he and his wife, Melania, enjoy hearing from the American people, the website invites people to share your thoughts using an online form. Visitors to the site can also schedule a request for the former president or first lady to participate in an event or request a greeting for a special occasion. There is a page for the media to make inquiries as well.

Also shared on the site are their biographies as well as an account of Trumps record in office, including on trade, taxes, energy, regulation, immigration, and healthcare.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read The Full Final Jan 6 House Select Committee Report Here

The House select committee probing the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol released its final report Thursday, concluding the nearly 18-month investigation that resulted in the historic recommendation that former President Donald Trump be criminally prosecuted for his conduct surrounding the insurrection.

The panel recommended the Justice Department pursue at least four criminal charges against Trump related to his alleged efforts to thwart the transfer of presidential power: obstruction of an official proceeding conspiracy to defraud the United States conspiracy to make a false statement and incitement, rebellion or insurrection.

During the course of its probe, the select committee held 10 public hearings, conducted interviews with more than 1,000 witnesses and collected more than 1 million pages of material. It issued subpoenas to Trump and some of his closest allies, though ultimately did not speak with the former president or former Vice President Mike Pence.

Read the full report here:

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Trump’s ‘major Announcement’ Was A Line Of $99 Nft Trading Cards With ‘no Inherent Monetary Value’

It was billed as a “MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT” the sort of thing anyone following a declared presidential candidate like Donald Trump might understandably interpret as a significant ramping up of a campaign that’s been . But just one day after exclaiming that “America needs a superhero” on his Truth Social account, the former president’s “major announcement” turned out to be less about his political aspiration, and more a belated foray from the 76-year-old technophobe into the wild and wacky world of NFTs.

“My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here!,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, linking to a dedicated website for what he claimed were “limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career!”

Donald Trump/Truth Social

In a separate video announcing the line of $99 dollar digital cards Trump introduces himself as “hopefully your favorite president of all time, better than Lincoln, better than Washington,” and adds that not only does purchasing one of his newly launched NFTs make a perfect Christmas gift, but doing so automatically enters buyers into a sweepstakes to win everything from cocktails at Mar-a-Lago to a “group zoom session with #45” or even “one of 25 incredibly rare gold Digital Trading Card , digitally signed by Donald J. Trump.”

Screenshot /

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Most Surprising Features Of Donald Trumps New Official Website


From seemingly bespoke greetings to a photo with Kim Jong Un, heres what we found

Former president Donald Trump launched his official website, on Monday night. Right away, observers noticed a few surprising elements to the site, but some of the quirks arent entirely unprecedented.

President and Mrs. Trump are continually strengthened by the enduring spirit of the American people, and they look forward to staying in touch, said an announcement sent to the press Thursday evening.

Staying in touch is just one of the promises made by the site, with its handful of eccentricities. Below are three of the most noted ones.

1. Supporters can order greetings

Under the contact section of, supporters have three options: They can share their thoughts with the former president, request that he and the former first lady attend an event or request a greeting from the duo.

Thank you for your interest in receiving a greeting from Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump for your special occasion. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing of your request. Due to the volume of greeting requests President and Mrs. Trump receive, we will not provide status updates. Additionally, please do not re-submit your request. Duplicate requests will supersede original submissions and therefore result in a significant delay in processing, says the landing page.

2. Trumps head is cut off in many of the pictures on the site

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Former President Trump and former First Lady Melania Trump have launched their official website vowing to remain a tireless champion for Americans as the ex-commander-in-chief plans his return to public life.

The site,, will allow individuals to submit correspondence, scheduling requests, and press inquiries, the former first couple said in a statement Monday evening.

The pair added that they are continually strengthened by the enduring spirit of the American people, and they look forward to staying in touch.

In addition to providing a way to reach their office, the website also hails the former presidents achievements in office and says it will strive to inform, educate, and inspire Americans from all walks of life as we seek to build a truly great American Future.

Through this office, President Trump will remain a tireless champion for the hardworking men and women of our great country and for their right to live in safety, dignity, prosperity, and peace.

The 45th commander-in-chief has been plotting his comeback since leaving the White House, setting up an office at his Mar-a-Lago resort where he has reportedly been in talks to start his own social media network.

Trump would need his own platform to reconnect with supporters and the press again, as he was banned from most social media sites in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

In the two months since, sites like Facebook have not made a final call on letting Trump return to their platforms.

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