Monday, September 2, 2024

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Trump Rants About ‘investigation Nightmare’ After Boast About Turning Mar

Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution

Donald Trump was off and running on his Truth Social platform on Sunday morning, complaining about the Department of Justice’s investigation into his own document scandal at Mar-a-Lago while pointing the finger at President Joe Biden.

The former president has been using his posts to make the case about where the documents recovered from Biden were discovered while boasting that his Florida resort is a secure facility or, as he put it, a “walled fortress.”

Along the way, he complained about being caught up in an “investigation nightmare.”

The former president started off by writing, “Page 1: The new narrative from the Fake News Media, virtually the same people that pushed the BIG LIE of Russia, Russia, Russia, only to go down in flames, is the even more ridiculous story that ‘what Bidden did isnt as bad as what Trump did.’ Number one, I did NOTHING wrong, have the right as President to ‘declassify,’ had documents in a secure place, put an extra lock on at Radical Left NARAs request, and was dealing with NARA nicely, as per PRA & Socks, until the FBI broke into Mar-a-Lago..”

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How Donald Trump’s Hand

A remarkable BBC documentary reveals the startling reality of meeting the president

For the former prime minister Theresa May, one of the most pressing matters she confronted during her encounter with Donald Trump a few days after his inauguration went beyond mere diplomacy.

May had travelled to Washington in 2017 with the intention of persuading the new US president to make a supportive statement about Nato. Little did she expect that she would be calling her husband, Philip, to warn him that images of the US president of holding her hand as they walked through the White House would soon be flashing around the world.

With Trump out of power, those who had ringside seats during four years of dangerous and often chaotic foreign policy are now describing their often bruising encounters in a major new documentary series.

The three-part BBC series, Trump Takes on the World, by the award-winning documentary maker Norma Percy, reveals extraordinary access to key observers of the president.

With testimony from a whos who of world leaders and senior US officials, it offers an unmediated reflection of Trump shorn of political hypocrisies.

It was not just May who found Trump unsettling: to European diplomatic observers, he seemed a strange creature. And he also triggered alarm among some American officials in the room with him, with one defence official noting that the presidents notoriously short attention span suggested a squirrel careening through the traffic.

Dl Hughley Calls For Donald Trump To Be Charged With Manslaughter

Former United States president/current 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump did not end 2022 on a high note. One of Trumps harshest critics, comedian D.L. Hughley, wants even more legal woes for the ex-commander-in-chief in the coming years.

The United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack recently recommended that the Justice Department pursue criminal charges against Donald Trump for his connection to the 2021 U.S. Capitol insurrection.

Federal prosecutors have not officially indicted Trump with any crimes associated with January 6. However, D.L. Hughley calls for authorities to charge the right-wing Republican politician with several counts.

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Judge Calls Trumps Attempt To Dismiss E Jean Carroll Rape Lawsuit Absurd

Ruling made in second case brought against former president by writer who alleges he sexually assaulted her in Bergdorf Goodman

A judge on Friday rejected as absurd Donald Trumps attempt to dismiss a lawsuit from the writer E Jean Carroll, who alleges he raped her in a department store changing room in New York in the mid-1990s.

Carroll has sued Trump for defamation, for remarks while denying her allegation including that she was not his type.

But the lawsuit which the New York judge, Lewis Kaplan, refused to dismiss on Friday was brought against the former president under the Adult Survivors Act, a new state law which gives adults a one-year window to sue alleged attackers even if statutes of limitations have expired.

In his ruling in Manhattan, Kaplan said there was no merit to Trumps argument that Carrolls claim must be dismissed because the law denied him due process under the state constitution.

The judge also said state law did not require Carroll, a former Elle columnist, to prove she suffered an economic loss from Trumps comments, as Trump had argued.

Alina Habba, a lawyer for Trump, said we are disappointed with the courts decision and planned an immediate appeal.

Carrolls lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, said we are pleased though not surprised.

Carroll accuses Trump of raping her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in late 1995 or early 1996.

That lawsuit included a battery claim under the Adult Survivors Act.

Graham Phone Call To Raffensperger

Donald Trump is constantly lying

During the hand recount of all ballots of the state of Georgia between November 11 and 20, 2020, Republican Senator of South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, privately called Raffensperger about the audit. Raffensperger concluded that Graham intended to ask him to throw out all legal mail-in ballots and described that he felt “threatened” during the conversation, which Graham denied.The Washington Post reported in February 2021 that the Fulton County district attorney was examining Graham’s phone call to Raffensperger as part of a criminal investigation into possible efforts to overturn the Georgia election results.

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Donald Trump’s Call To ‘terminate’ Constitution Sparks Fury

Donald Trump has sparked a furious backlash after he called for the “termination” of parts of the Constitution to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The former president, who announced in November that he would run again for president, reiterated his baseless claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election in posts on his Truth Social platform on Saturday.

But he went further by suggesting that the U.S. abandon one of its founding documents.

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in response to Elon Musk‘s ” Files.”

Musk had claimed the files would reveal how the social media platform had suppressed a New York Post story about Hunter Biden prior to the 2020 election. However, some people described them as a “snoozefest” that did not bring to light anything that was not already known about the platform’s handling of the story.

Trump’s reaction prompted a wave of criticism, including from the White House.

The U.S. Constitution “is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement to Newsweek.

White House Slams Trumps Call For Termination Of Constitution

Attacking the US Constitution is anathema to the soul of our nation, a White House spokesman says.

The White House has condemned Donald Trump after the former president called for the termination of the US Constitution.

Trump made the call in a post on Saturday on the social media platform Truth Social, which he owns, as he repeated the false claim that he won the 2020 presidential election.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates said the US Constitution is a sacrosanct document that brings the American people together.

Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation, and should be universally condemned, Bates said in a statement.

You cannot only love America when you win, he said.

Trump, who announced last month that he is running again for president, said his election loss warranted drastic moves.

A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution, he wrote. Our great Founders did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

Al Jazeeras Heidi Zhou-Castro, reporting from Washington DC, said Trumps post is extraordinary given that presidents take an oath of office to protect the US Constitution.

The world at this point is used to the bombastic statements coming from Trump, but this perhaps is considered to cross a new line given that the US Constitution is held in such high esteem.

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A Capitol Police Officer Died After Being Pepper

If isnt indicted an indictment doesnt mean a conviction but if he isnt indicted it will speak volumes about our legal system. Stop saying out loud that nobody is above the law because clearly, they are, stated D.L. Hughley.

The D.L. Hughley Morning Show host also added, From espionage to f###### sedition to tampering with elections. You name it, hes done it. I think should be charged with manslaughter for that cop that died even though it wasnt the event.

Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, 42, died from suffering multiple strokes days after the insurrection. Two men reportedly assaulted Sicknick with pepper spray during the attack on the building. The Capitol Police agency still insists Sicknick died in the line of duty while trying to defend Congress.

The Politics Of The Chinese Virus

Trump, Jordan spoke by phone the morning of Jan. 6, records show

Casting the virus foreign was not a simple rhetorical flourish. According to the database website Factbase, the president used the expression Chinese virus more than 20 times between March 16 and March 30. The deliberateness of the wording was made clear when a photographer captured the script of his speech wherein Trump had crossed out the word Corona and replaced it with Chinese.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused China of putting the world at risk for its lack of transparency, even scrapping a joint G7 statement after its members refused to refer to the virus as the Wuhan virus.

Secretary Pompeo had a point. By early February, there was already strong evidence of a Chinese cover-up and repression of whistle-blowers , later confirmed by more investigations . Yet rather than criticize China, President Trump heaped praise on the Chinese response, especially following his phone conversations with Chinas leader Xi Jinping for whom the president said he had great respect and who, he claimed, was doing a good job , a professional job , loves his country and is extremely capable, working hard and professionally . This, even when he was asked about how he can legitimately believe the Chinese communiste regime .

This is when the president started using the expression Chinese virus. When faced with accusations of racism, he dismissed its impact on Asian Americans, saying:

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Send A Letter To The White House

Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your correspondence gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

  • If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to reach the White House.
  • If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
  • If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen.
  • Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. If you have an email address, please share it with us too.
  • And finally, please be sure to write on the outside of your mailing envelope the complete address for the White House to make sure your letter gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

The White HouseWashington, DC 20500

Look What People Are Saying

CNN– Tim Ferriss, ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ & ‘The Tim Ferriss Show’– Entrepreneur Magazine – Dan Kennedy, No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent – Peter Shankman, Help A Reporter Out – Sandra Sims, Step by Step Fundraising – John Kremer, 1001 Ways to Market Your Books– Steve Purcell, – Paul Hartunian, Free Publicity Information Center – Dan Janal, PR LEADS– Anthony Record, Autograph Magazine– Robert Skrob, Information Marketing Association – Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound

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List Of Nicknames Used By Donald Trump

This article is part of a series about

Former U.S. PresidentDonald Trump became widely known during the 2016 United States presidential election and his subsequent presidency for using nicknames to criticize, insult, or otherwise express commentary about media figures, politicians, and foreign leaders.

The list excludes commonly-used hypocorisms such as “Mike” for “Michael” or “Steve” for “Steven”, unless they are original to Trump. Nicknames that Trump did not originate are annotated with footnotes.

The list also includes nicknames used by figures associated with Trump, and nicknames he has promoted via retweeting.

Why Trumps Words Are Dangerous

Donald Trump on Meet the Press, annotated

One could argue that the most prudent response to Trumps latest radical rhetoric might be to ignore it and his bid for publicity.

But even if his idea of crushing the Constitution looks far-fetched, his behavior needs to be taken seriously because of its possible future consequences.

Thats because Trump remains an extraordinarily influential force in the Republican Party. His acolytes hold outsized power in the new House majority set to take over in January, which they plan to use as a political weapon to promote his restoration in the White House. GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is appeasing this group in an increasingly troubled campaign for speaker. The California Republican also last week shielded Trump over criticism of the Fuentes dinner, saying that while such a person had no place in the party, Trump had condemned him four times a false claim.

Furthermore, in an electoral sense, the theory that Republican voters may be willing to move on from Trump and to find a candidate who may reflect America First populism but not dine with antisemites has not yet been tested. Trumps claims that the 2020 election was stolen are still broadly accepted among GOP voters only 24% of whom believe that Biden legitimately won in 2020, according to midterm election exit polls.

One newly elected Republican, Michael Lawler who picked up a Democratic-held House seat critical to the slim GOP majority stood up for the Constitution on CNNs State of the Union on Sunday.

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Presley’s Love For Animals Led Her To Call Out Trump

After moving to Tennessee with her former husband, Elvis Presley, she fell in love with the Tennessee walking horse, a breed the couple often had on their Graceland property, according to The Tennessean.

Presley understandably became passionate about the issue of horse soring, a practice that attempts to change the gate of Tennessee walking horses using an abusive method that sees poisonous chemicals applied onto the legs of the horses, along with chains and shoes on their hooves. The practice is unnatural and incredibly painful for the animal, the Humane Society of the United States explains.

“I’m hoping that President Trump will have it in his heart to take a look at this and show his compassion for animals,” she shared. Former President Barack Obama’s administration had banned the practice, but the practice was reinstated via a loophole after Trump took office.

Presley called on Trump to ban the abusive practice for good. “It would be a wonderful sign that he is a compassionate man,” she pleaded.

Unfortunately, the Trump administration did not make an effort to end horse soring. As of August 2022, activists were still fighting to repeal the abusive practice .

Trump Calls Elaine Chao Coco Chow In Latest Attack On Mitch Mcconnell

Former President Donald Trump referred to Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell , as Coco Chow in a rant after the Senate and House of Representatives passed legislation to prevent a government shutdown.

The attack on McConnell and Chao came on Friday after President Joe Bidensigned a bill before the midnight deadline that would keep the government funded through mid-December and prevent a partial shutdown.

Is McConnell approving all of these trillions of dollars worth of Democrat-sponsored bills, without even the slightest bit of negotiation, because he hates Donald J. Trump, and he knows I am strongly opposed to them, or is he doing it because he believes in the fake and highly destructive green new deal, and is willing to take the country down with him? In any event, either reason is unacceptable,”Trump wrote on Truth Social, a social media platform created by Trump Media & Technology Group in 2021. He has a DEATH WISH,” Trump continued. Must immediately seek help and advise from his China loving wife, Coco Chow!”

As of Sunday morning, Trumps post reportedlyreceived 17,000 likes on Truth Social. In an interview withCNN, Sen. Rick Scott commented on Trumps racist attack on Chao, saying, Its never, ever OK to be a racist.

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Mehdi Hasan Calls Out Merrick Garland For Pandering To Bad

MSNBCs Mehdi Hasan is putting Attorney General Merrick Garland on notice for working too hard to appease Republicans who wont be satisfied no matter what he does.

Democrats were largely overcome with glee when President Joe Biden named Garland to the post in 2021, five years after Senate Republicans blocked his nomination to the Supreme Court. They were finally owning the cons.

But Hasan said they werent. Garland, he said, is out of his depth and getting outplayed by Republicans, especially as figures such as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy demand investigations into classified government documents found at Bidens home and former office.

This is the same bad-faith Kevin who didnt care about justice or equality in the law when it was Donald Trump with alleged nuclear documents in Mar-a-Lago refusing to give them back, by the way, Hasan said. Bad-faith Republicans are everywhere.

He said Garland caved by appointing a special counsel to look into Bidens documents.

The hypocrisy and bad faith of the modern GOP should be clear to anyone paying attention, Hasan said. So, perhaps Merrick Garland just isnt.

See his full segment below:

In the wake of 1/6 “what Biden needed at the DOJ was a fighter, a scrapper, a Muhammad Ali in a suit, who wasn’t going to concern himself with the fake civility talk… that has come to define DC bipartisanship.”But he got Merrick Garland! My monologue:

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